
customers to meet the people behind GDP.” The large event drew 160 people in 2018 and featured games, food and new technology as well as offering a community-centric aspect.“We use Game Day as a rally point to reach back to our community,” Schweizer said.” We always offer something our customers and community can benefit from.” Last year the Atlanta Police Foundation gave a presentation about their goals for the community. The newest technological trends featured at Game Day included the continued evolution of user interface. “Copier and printer technology is operating more like your cell phone,” Schweizer said. “Developers have bridged significant gaps in interface.” Schweizer also noted that more and more customers are using GDP consultants to help make their document workflow paperless. “Often we are eliminating more prints than we are creating,” he said, joking, “which is weird as a technology company masquerading itself as a copier company.” the EXECUTIVE 9